[Oppai Pie] TOUCH IT
HMV Maker: Oppai Pie
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OPPAIPIE
[Oppai Pie] TOUCH IT
HMV Maker: Oppai Pie Patreon: login to play this video.", //audio visualizer audioVisualizerLinesColor: "#ff9f00", audioVisualizerCircleColor: "#FFFFFF", //lightbox settings lightBoxBackgroundOpacity: .6, lightBoxBackgroundColor: "#000000", //sticky on scroll stickyOnScroll: "no", stickyOnScrollShowOpener: "yes", stickyOnScrollWidth: "700", stickyOnScrollHeight: "394", //sticky display settings showOpener: "yes", showOpenerPlayPauseButton: "yes", verticalPosition: "bottom", horizontalPosition: "center", showPlayerByDefault: "yes", animatePlayer: "yes", openerAlignment: "right", mainBackgroundImagePath: "https://hmvmania.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/hmv_1080p_Oppai-Pie-TOUCH-IT_cover.jpg", openerEqulizerOffsetTop: -1, openerEqulizerOffsetLeft: 3, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, //playback rate / speed defaultPlaybackRate: 1, //0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.2, 2 //cuepoints executeCuepointsOnlyOnce: "no", //annotations showAnnotationsPositionTool: "no", //ads openNewPageAtTheEndOfTheAds: "no", playAdsOnlyOnce: "no", adsButtonsPosition: "left", skipToVideoText: "You can skip to video in: ", skipToVideoButtonText: "Skip Ad", adsTextNormalColor: "#888888", adsTextSelectedColor: "#FFFFFF", adsBorderNormalColor: "#666666", adsBorderSelectedColor: "#FFFFFF", //a to b loop useAToB: "yes", atbTimeBackgroundColor: "transparent", atbTimeTextColorNormal: "#888888", atbTimeTextColorSelected: "#FFFFFF", atbButtonTextNormalColor: "#888888", atbButtonTextSelectedColor: "#FFFFFF", atbButtonBackgroundNormalColor: "#FFFFFF", atbButtonBackgroundSelectedColor: "#000000", //thumbnails preview thumbnailsPreviewWidth: 196, thumbnailsPreviewHeight: 110, thumbnailsPreviewBackgroundColor: "#000000", thumbnailsPreviewBorderColor: "#666", thumbnailsPreviewLabelBackgroundColor: "#666", thumbnailsPreviewLabelFontColor: "#FFF", // context menu showContextmenu: 'yes', showScriptDeveloper: "no", contextMenuBackgroundColor: "#1f1f1f", contextMenuBorderColor: "#1f1f1f", contextMenuSpacerColor: "#333", contextMenuItemNormalColor: "#888888", contextMenuItemSelectedColor: "#FFFFFF", contextMenuItemDisabledColor: "#444" }); } setupVideoPlayer7304(); })(jQuery);
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Just a small tip. In animation, the sound of a beat should follow the movement and not the other way around. That way it feels more like the slapping of that bitch’s fat pussy on those semen-swollen balls feels more like they are producing the sound waves. You have the sync in mind for sure, but the rhythm should follow the visuals.